The purchase value of high quality replica handbags lies in the quality is not bad, the price is not high, the man is actually still relatively rational consumers. Sisters buy bags on the relative men to impulsive some …… because some girls know me after the first feeling is into the treasure mountain can not return empty-handed look …… have to buy something can not. Instead, I need to let them calm, do not buy to buy, anyway, know, after a long time to follow the ads is, not the first demand for the desired goal do not impulse, only encountered by grabbing the good stuff, only to start fast and accurate, after all, that grab a slow beat I can not help you, there are only so many goods …… others grabbed is someone else! I’m not going to be able to get it back.

Now the big names around us is not uncommon, if strictly speaking, seems to be a little more than the real bag, why do many ladies like to use high imitation big names? The original, with high imitation also have their reasons.

The first benefit of not much to say we all know, that is, the price is too much cheaper than the counter. One compared to the real bag to, to be many times cheaper, is to buy a very good quality bag, but also as long as the real bag price of less than half of the price to buy down. And it looks like the quality of the bags in the store is not the same, those in the official website of the big brand was dazzling superstar back on the shoulder of the bag, in the high imitation bag stores have everything, ordinary a small woman can carry the latest models of bags and stars PK some, and the appearance of the bag looks no difference with the real one, but the price is cheaper so much.

The second advantage is that it can be fake. Once there is a colleague, trust foreign relatives to buy a real bag, although the price of foreign brands cheaper than domestic prices, but a classic model of the old flower bag, also cost her a whole five thousand yuan. However, when she was proudly carrying the bag to work, she suffered a big blow, because none of her coworkers believed that the bag was a real bag. On the contrary, another female colleague to buy the original is high imitation of the big brand, but used as a standard evaluation of her new bag, what workmanship is not as good as others, the color does not seem to be right, style and official website is also a lot of difference, in short, it is a word, not like a real bag. From then on, this colleague no longer carry their own brand-name bags on the class, and the use of high-fashion bags of colleagues, but from then on more to high-fashion bags worship, threatened to wait for a bonus, and then go to buy a fake simulation of the real bag.

The third benefit is that you can buy a limited edition bag dream can also be realized. Nowadays, it is not difficult to buy a new big brand name bag, but it is difficult to buy a limited edition bag. Limited edition bags are on sale for a limited time, so it’s not so easy to buy a bag that you’ve seen on the official website, but it’s not so easy to buy it. Although it is possible to buy a bag online from the official website, the number of people who can communicate with foreigners in a foreign language is still a small minority among the general public. In that case, is there no way to buy limited edition bags that are not sold in China? Of course not, in the high replica bags store, your wish can easily be realized. Of course, to buy a limited edition, we have to go to the quality of workmanship are more passable some sites to buy. Although yes, the truth that you get what you pay for is still the same. This is the reason why many women love to buy bags.

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