How to get rid of the smell of a new luxury bag? Newly bought bags more or less will have a little smell, in fact, these are very normal, do not have to worry about fakes, because the bag is made of genuine leather, new made it naturally with a bit of light leather flavor, so before we use the bag with what methods to remove the odor of the bag is better?

The most effective is to use the orange peel, the leather, grapefruit peel, used tea leaves dried into a gauze bag, into the bag, you will be able to bag the odor. Specific methods are as follows:

1, take a soft towel soaked in water, and then take out and wring it out, and then the bag inside and outside of the serious wipe again, wipe the bag on the ventilation place air-drying on the OK. Note that, if the summer, you can be in the sun a little sun, to change to winter, sisters remember not in the sun under the sun, because the purse in the winter sun will be affected by the cold air, the leather is prone to chemical reactions and make the purse easy to brittle.

2, there are many MM have the habit of eating oranges, this time can be utilized, we may not know it, orange peel above a lot of cellular holes, is a very good adsorbent. We just need to eat the rest of our orange peel, first cleaned and dried, and then divided into a piece of a piece of leather bag inside, and then close the bag, after a period of time to open the bag you will find that the bag of odor is not only to go in addition to the bag, but also allows us to the bag of fragrance.

3, if the MM do not have time, the simplest way is to fold the new bag directly after the package, and then put into a ventilated place on 2 days, the new purse odor will naturally disappear.

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